Emerald Fox Productions

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Emerald Fox Productions: Denver Video Strategy Company

When your business invests in a professional video, it can be expensive, take valuable company time, but also yield great results! If your video is well-made, you can see quite a ROI! Give yourself the greatest chance of success by avoid these common errors:

  1. Not ensuring that everyone is on board.

    This is more an error in communication. Before pulling the trigger, make sure that all the decision-makers in your company are prepared for the investment and understand the benefits. It can be difficult to create a great video when on half the company leaders are on board.

    At Emerald Fox, before signing the contract, we request a meeting with each of the company leaders to go over the video plan, costs and benefits to your company.

  2. Creating a video that is too long.

    It’s easy to create a 3 -5 minute film. It’s difficult to cut that down to 1 to two minutes, but it MOST cases, that is what is necessary. A video that is too long or touches too many points will encourage the viewer to click away. When we suggest cutting content from your video, we aren’t being lazy and wanting to put less effort into your video. We have your best interests at heart and want the viewer to watch all the way to the end.

  3. Involving too many people.

    I know it is fun and exciting to include yourself and all of the company leader’s in your video, but having too many faces in too little of time confuses the viewer and completion rates will tank. A good rule of thumb is have no more people than the number of minutes your video is long, plus one. So for a three-minute video- no more than 4 people. For a one-minute video, no more than 2.

  4. Not defining the purpose and the goal of your video.

    Step one if every video product should be defining the purpose and the goal - this can’t be an all-in-one approach. This is something Emerald Fox can help you define! What problem do you want your video to solve?

    Here are just a couple options to consider:

    • Increase Brand Awareness for website visitors

    • Lead more traffic to your website

    • Recruit new talent

    • Increase or aid in sales or the sales process

    • Introduce new ideas, products or services

    • Tell audiences about a sale or promotion

    • And much more!

  5. Including Industry Jargon

    When speaking to your audience, most of your viewers will not have the same skill set that you have and will be turned off by what they do not understand. Keep it simple and easy, strike a friendly tone and most importantly, be yourself!

  6. Not investing in hair and make-up

    It’s not everyday that you are in front of the camera! Anyone that is on film should have professional hair and make-up before the shoot (with Emerald Fox, we bring HMU to you!). A camera look is much different than your everyday office look, so it is best to leave that to the professionals! As an added bonus, you will feel confidence and empowered, which will come across favorably in the video.

  7. Ignoring the planning process

    Before the day of your shoot, you should have a pretty good idea of how shooting will take place, what will be discussed, what sort of things you will talk about in front of the camera and any additional footage that will need to be captured. Emerald Fox helps you plan from pre-conception to the final edit!

  8. Choosing the wrong video production company

    Make sure to choose a production company that does more than show up with a camera. At Emerald Fox, we don’t consider ourselves just a video company, we are a video strategist! We’ll assist you in finding the areas in your company that will benefit the most from implementing the usage of video. To set up a free consultation, contact us here: Contact.